Here is one of our friends Antonio. He is so cool. We were just walking down the street and then he ran up to us. "Elders lets go teach some people!" "I wanna help you guys!" We went and taught a bunch of people. He stayed with us for like 4 hours and he has a great testimony. JUST OUT OF THE BLUE!
Was really a big testimony builder for me.
This week was a little hard and Sunday morning I prayed really hard for help from the Lord to help us find some new people. And then Antonio just fell into our laps and helped us find many people who are ready to come closer to Jesus Christ. HELP THE MISSIONARIES IN YOUR AREA! AND YOUR FRIENDS!
We all need Jesus Christ in our lives and there are many people out there lacking his love.
Speaking of love I LOVE YOU GUYS! Thanks for all the support. Here are some other cool pics of the island i am on. It is a lot more developed and has some BEAUTIFUL BEACHES! Other islands are very close so when you look out
theres just massive mountains dotting the horizon its like jurassic park haha.