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Cape Verde Mission
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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This week was amazing! My companion is from Argentina and this week he taught me how to make EMPANADAS. It is like bread stuffed with beef and vegetables.

Last Saturday, two of our friends we have been teaching were baptized. Ricky is the one standing closer to me and Kevin is the other. They are two outstanding young men.

Ricky has a strong testimony of Jesus Christ. We asked him to pray about our message and ask God if it was true. He did, and he told us he felt something unexplainable in his heart and asked us if he could be baptized.

When he was baptized the water was FREEZING COLD! He started shivering when he walked in. But as I said the words of the baptism, we both had a warm feeling run through our whole bodies. The Spirit of God brings a peace that we can not find through anything else.

Love you guys so much! Have an amazing week!

Also here's a picture of a mountain here that the people call "monte carra" which translates to "face mountain"


Hunter Kendrick

Hey everyone! Sorry it has been a long time since I sent one of these out.

I am doing great. Time is passing by so fast. These last few weeks we have been working hard and bringing many people closer to Christ.

A story I would like to share...

Djanice and Fredson, and their children Dominque e Maure. They are a beautiful family and I have spent a lot of time teaching them. The mom (Djanice) is from another island, but moved to São Vicente because of her husband´s work. She normally does not come to church, the rest of the family comes every now and then. A few weeks ago, we felt impressed to pass them. Djanice answered the door and immediately we could tell something was not right. As we sat down and began talking, Djanice told us that she had plans to go back to her home island with her son, and abandon her husband and daughter here. I was heart broken. Was one of the saddest moments in my mission. We shared a message about hope that comes from Jesus Christ. We reminded her that He suffered for us and that her family would find peace and joy if they followed Him. Before we finished, there was a pause. And I bore my testimony of Eternal families and of families in general. Here in Cape Verde it is very rare to see a normal functioning family. I told her how she needed to keep this family together, not for her. But for her kids! For her neighbors! For all the people who see them everyday. To start changing the standard. I let them know how much I loved them and how sad it was for me to see this happening. And began to choke up a bit, but I held back the tears. Then my companion, who is from Nigeria, bore his testimony. He told her that he had never seen his father or mother growing up. He had never felt that love from "mama e papa". At that moment I couldnt help it anymore and tears started slowly streaming down my face. He pleaded with her to not make her children suffer the same childhood that he had to suffer. We again bore our testimonies of Jesus Christ. And invited her to stay and not move away. We challenged her to bring her entire family to church that Sunday. And to begin praying together.

That Sunday, as we were picking up some other friends for church, we passed their house. And as we were walking by, a beautiful family of 4 walked out the door dressed in all white. My heart leaped for joy. I was so happy. We caught up to them, and Djanice told me "because we made you cry that day, I decided we would do something to make you smile"

We visited them again yesterday. Life still isn't perfect for them, but they are doing much better. They are happy. Djanice told us that she knows God sent us to her house that day. If we had not come, she would have left.

I am so grateful to be a tool in the Lords hand. I love Cape Verde and the people here. I feel like this is my second home.

Have a great week! And let your family know you love them.

Tchau tchau!

Elder Kendrick

Here are some funny/cool pictures.

Hunter Kendrick

This week was great! I got the opportunity to return MY FAV CITY PRAIA!

(the capital of Cape Verde) There was a leadership meeting to make goals for the new year that I had to go. We arrived a few days early and stayed in one of my old areas. It was really cool to say hi to some of my old friends and families I came to love.

This time of year, the airlines are pretty packed so its pretty hard to find flights. I had to go to a different island (Sal) before I went to Praia. It is one of the tourist island so they had good food but other than that it was normal haha.

One of the missionaries gave a me a box to bring to Praia but because I was in a rush I just shoved it in my carry on without looking in it. So a few hours later I am watching my bag go through the xray machine and I think "wait a second... I never looked in that bag haha. Hopefully it doesn't have anything bad in it..." the Cape Verdean running the machine doesnt even seem to flinch though so I think I am good. Later when I arrive I check through that bag to see what's inside, and there's a big bottle of RUBBING ALCOHOL that says "highly flammable" on the front. Dont think thats really allowed on planes idk haha. But thats Cape Verde for you.

Took a lot of pictures this week.

pic where I am standing with a mom and two boys is probably one of the families I have come to love the most. I would walk the son home from seminary almost everyday and when he saw me this week he ran up from behind me and almost tackled me with a braço so strong.

pic of the Chile flag haha it's just a little different from my Texas tie.

giant turtle shell behind me. a nice old man gave us catxupa (yummy corn soup thing) and said that his cousin hunted it and then gave him the shell

i am going to get a motorcycle after the mission, i've been trying out helmets

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