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New Island! I am a Zone Leader! My companion is from TEXAS! 12/9/2019

Hunter Kendrick

Wow! Last week I was getting ready to leave so I didnt have time to email sorry but I am now on another island! Called São Vicente, it's a beautiful island but I they speak A DIFFERENT KRIOLO!

For example, how are yall doing?

my last area in Praia "Modi ki nhos´sta"

here in São Vicente "maneira ki bzot´ta"

it's not crazy different but it definitely tripped me up a lil bit when I first arrived. President Amo called me to be a Zone Leader here! I really enjoy it. There's a few more responsibilities but its really cool because you get to create a good relationship with all the missionaries. I love getting people hyped up and excited, which is something Zone Leaders need to do SO ITS GREAT!!!

My new companion is from Austin Texas and has a Mexican background. It's so nice to talk with someone from a similar place. We always talk about how much we miss WhataBURGER or BUCCEES!!!! It's really fun. Today we made tortillas for lunch with a member from Texas also haha who lives here! and had breakfast tacos OOF it was sooo good.

Cool spiritual experience:

A lot of our compromissos (meetings i guess?) had fallen :( no one was home...

So we had some time to find new people to teach. We were kinda out of ideas though so we said a prayer and decided to let the Spirit guide us. A person came to mind and we started walking towards his house, BUT on the way we saw some kids playing basketball on one of the most makeshift hoops ive ever seen haha. But an idea came to mind... "hey! Lets play 2v2, if we win, you have to sit down and listen to our message about Jesus Christ" they laughed and agreed. But man! Normally Cape Verdeans don't know how to play basketball but these kids were good! I started to get a little worried, but then remembered THE LORD IS ON OUR SIDE! After that practically every shot we made was guided by Angels haha and we won the game :)

We had an awesome and they are now preparing to be baptized. Sometimes we find people in places we wouldn't expect to, but if you are listening to the Spirit you will know when you find them!



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